"Place based education is the process of using the local community and environment as a starting point to teach concepts in language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, and other subjects across the curriculum. Emphasizing hands-on, real-world learning experiences, this approach to education increases academic achievement, helps students develop stronger ties to their community, enhances students' appreciation for the natural world, and creates a heightened commitment to serving as active, contributing citizens."
- David Sobel, Place-Based Education: Connecting Classrooms and Communities
Childhood and Nature by David Sobel
The Power of Place by Tom Vander Ark and Emily Liebtag
Disconnect: The Outdoor Education Podcast; Episode #12 - Place-Based Education: Interview with David Sobel
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Found in the Forest documentary
How to Raise a Wild Child by Scott Sampson
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There's No Such Thing as Bad Weather by Linda Akeson McGurk
Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder by Richard Louv
Barefoot and Balanced by Angela Hanscomb
1000 Hours Outside Podcast; Episode 119 - We Cannot Learn Sitting Still and Being Quiet with Dr. Carla Hannaford